Il tempo attuale

Tempo a Kartitsch

Ecco il meteo attuale della vostra destinazione di vacanza. Sia in estate per escursioni nella natura montana che per indimenticabili esperienze invernali.

Sunday, 08.09.2024
Temperatura: 22°C/72°F
Opportunità per il bel tempo: 70%
Linea di gelo: 4200 m
Monday, 09.09.2024
Temperatura: 12°C/54°F
Opportunità per il bel tempo: 20%
Linea di gelo: 3100 m
The current weather conditions are typical of autumn: over the Atlantic Ocean we have the first heavy, stormy low pressure systems of the season and over Europe a high pressure area accompanied by warm air. High pressure accompanied by warm air means a pleasant mix of sunshine and clouds and warm temperatures.
At this point, we would prefer to forecast that high pressure will persist, but unfortunately this is not the case: On Sunday it will remain bright and warm. On Monday, disturbances will bring cooler and more humid weather.